
General Information

Organization Name Chicago Neighborhood Soccer
Status Incorporated Nonprofit in Illinois - pending 501c(3) status
EIN 88-3862761
Founding Members Andre D. Paredes, Diego A. Moreno, Jodon DaSilva, Julian DaSilva
Languages English, Spanish


  • 2013 - 2019
    Community Pickup Soccer Club
    Chicago International Soccer Club (CISC)
    • Local soccer players assembling at parks and fields to play soccer
      • Run Turf Pickup 6,7,8, or 9 per team, Small Goals, 2-8 Teams
      • Run Tournaments 8 v 8, Large Goals, 4 - 8 Teams
      • Run Futsal Pickup 5 v 5, Small Sided Goals, 2 - 4 Teams
  • 2019 - now
    David Benavidez Annual Soccer Tournament
    • An annual competitive & inclusive community soccer tournament
    • co-hosted with the Benavidez Family in memory of David Benavidez
    • Proceed are donated nonprofit cancer research institutions
  • 2016 - 2020
    Adult Recreational Men's Soccer League
    606 Soccer
    • Run Soccer Leagues of 4 - 8 Teams, 8 v 8, Large Goals
  • 2020 - 2022
    Community Pickup Soccer Collaboration
    CISC + 606
    • Create and run community pickup soccer events, focused in west and south Chicago Neighborhoods
  • 2022 - now
    Incorporated nonprofit organization
    Chicago Neighborhood Soccer
    • Incorporated Nonprofit in Chicago, Illinois, run by local pickup soccer players
    • Create and run community pickup soccer events, focused in west and south Chicago neighborhoods
    • Partner with professional and 501(c)3 charitable organizations
    • Create and run community-focused fundraisers and charitable Events
    • Incubate Chicago community pickup soccer groups and leaders
  • 2022 - now
    Womens Community Pickup Soccer Initiative
    • Launched the First All Women Only Pickup Soccer in Chicago Neighborhood
    • Co-host with Nicole Hack (Chicago Womens Soccer) and Shelby Ponder
  • 2023 - now
    Open Source Commmunity
    • Joined the OpenFutbol Project to grow Open Source based Projects
    • Launched Open Source Soccer Science (Community Pickup Soccer Research)
    • Launched Open Source Soccer Software (Community Pickup Soccer Software)

Open Source Software Projects for Community Pickup Soccer

  • 2023-now
    • Create and incube open source communities for pickup soccer organizations
  • 2023-now
    Chicago Neighborhood Soccer
    • Github repo for NBHD Soccer
  • 2023-now
    Chicago Pickup Soccer Aggregator
    • A Pickup Soccer Web app that scrapes the web, hosts a registry, and has an interface for finding community pickup soccer events

Community Pickup Soccer Research

  • Pickup Soccer Ontology
    • Community Pickup Soccer vs Transactional Pickup Soccer
    • Organized Pickup Soccer vs Unstructured Play
    • 5 Level Framework for Organized Pickup Soccer