
The postive impact of pickup soccer in our local neighborhoods is poorly understood. The following are peer-reviewed publications in scientific fields we are interested in exploring and joining. We are building a Citizen Scientists Community rooted in Open Science to create manuscripts to submit to peer-review journals. *This is generated by jekyll-scholar.*


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    The rise of women’s football: a case study of Iceland
    Vidar Halldorsson
    Soccer & Society, 2023


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    Review of “Fútbol in the Park: Immigrants, Soccer, and the Creation of Social Ties”
    Brian Tuohy
  2. Improving adult women’s emotional health in rural Kenya through community soccer and the role of social support: A mixed-methods analysis
    F Barchi, MA AbiNader, SC Winter, and 4 more authors
    Journal of Sport for Development, 2022
  3. Kickin’It in’The Hood:’Soccer and Social Inclusion in Global Toronto
    Greg Yerashotis
    University of Toronto (Canada), 2022


  1. futbolinthepark.jpg
    Fútbol in the Park: Immigrants, Soccer, and the Creation of Social Ties
    David Trouille
  2. Creating social capital on soccer fields: Immigrant opportunities and gendered barriers in adult soccer leagues
    Edward Painter, and Marie Price
    Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2021


  1. A Proposal for a Community Soccer Website for San Francisco Soccer Participants and Stakeholders
    Christian Martin
  2. Does soccer explain the world or does the world explain soccer? Soccer and globalization
    Scott Waalkes
    Soccer & Society, 2017


  1. Live and let live: Diversity, conflict, and community in an integrated neighborhood
    Evelyn M Perry


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    Can’t play here: the decline of pick-up soccer and social capital in the USA
    Joseph M Ellis, and Hemant Sharma
    Soccer & Society, 2013


  1. Finding the Game: Three Years, Twenty-five Countries, and the Search for Pickup Soccer
    Gwendolyn Oxenham